Meet A Mom: The Moms Behind Katy Moms Network - Katy Moms
Meet The Mamas Behind KMN

Happy Meet A Mom Monday, y’all!
With so many new mamas following along, we thought we’d do a special Meet A Mom and give you a glimpse of the moms behind KMN, Audrey & Natalie! And instead of interview style, we thought we’d just share a little bit of our heart and give you some background on why we started this community and what our goals are for this ever-evolving platform that we love so much!
We were brought together by motherhood about three years ago when we moved across the street from each other in Katy, America (as Nat calls it!) and quickly became fast friends. We’ve got four amazing kiddos between the two of us, and our sweet, supportive husbands. And they’re all best friends, too! Our oldest, both daughters, are four months apart, and our youngest, both boys, are four month apart! Natalie also not-so-secretly fantasizes about getting pregnant with Audrey again at the same time and hopes the husbands aren’t reading this!
Audrey is a Katy native and after moving around Texas for a few years, made her way back to this amazing community to raise her family. Natalie’s an Oklahoma girl who lived in the Northeast for five years before coming home to the great state of Texas in 2015! Both of us said we’d never settle in the burbs, much less Katy, but we couldn’t imagine ourselves anywhere else!
We launched this platform in early June and have been blown away by the early support! We’ve also started getting out in the community to connect with moms outside phone and computer screens, and that’s been super rewarding. We hosted a Toddler Time event at a local Chick-fil-A recently and were approached by two separate moms who said they hadn’t had the best luck with getting to know other moms in the community, but thanked us for being open, inviting, welcoming and warm. We looked at each other and said, if we do nothing else…if all we do is THAT…then we’re happy. We have big dreams for this community and it’s been so fun getting to connect with so many already.
The wheels started turning for Katy Moms Network in the early Spring of 2018, after recognizing a need in the community. We wanted to create an online community where local moms could go for resources and information, while also being a source for inspiration, community and togetherness, and support. If we can give the moms the gift of time, we’ve done our job!
We’re also deeply passionate about motherhood. The journey of motherhood is something that overtook us in a way that we never knew possible. It’s this life changing, earth shattering moment when you become a mom, and a deep, indescribable love you never knew you could feel. But motherhood also comes with really hard, hard stuff. It’s a role we hoped we’d always play, but didn’t know just how much it would transform our hearts. Motherhood: something we were designed and made to do and something literally billions of women do across the globe, but also something so intricate that every woman has their own unique, beautiful experience and journey with.
Having had one baby without a solid network of other moms around us, and then doing it a second time with that built-in support system, we quickly realized the importance of finding your people- your mom people. We feel it’s so important to surround yourself with those who build you up. Motherhood is beautiful and motherhood is hard. When they say it takes a village, we’re confident they meant a village of mom friends there to help you through it all. Had we not had each other after the births of our sons, we don’t think we’d have gotten through it. At least not with as many laughs.
Most of us all follow some larger scale mom community online. The ‘I Mom So Hard’ and ‘Cat & Nat’s of the World, along with awesome blogs like Motherly and Scary Mommy. Tons of amazing platforms that bring togetherness, acceptance, and support back to motherhood. But there’s nothing like that on a hyper-local scale that we’ve ever been able to connect with on a meaningful level. We wanted to create a space where we can go to feel supported, inspired, accepted, normal, and all feel a true sense of community. A place where you feel understood by the moms who literally live next door, who are doing this all right along with you. A place where you can get all the information you need- best doctors, best places for dinner with kids, and what the heck to do in this town with those tiny humans! All this in one place, curated for you. So we created it!
What you’ll find on our site and our social media channels is a resource-rich website with local activities and events, as well as original, unique content. Our content will aim to inform, support, inspire, uplift, educate, and hopefully even make you laugh. Or maybe we can make a day where you felt guilty for yelling at your dang kids all day feel okay and normal because hey, we probably did it too. Because behind this website are just two Katy moms, just like you. We’ll aim to continually evolve this space, so it becomes your go-to resource in Katy, TX. We’ve also had so much fun adding the Monday Meet A Mom Feature, as well as Small Business Saturday, as a way to highlight mamas kicking ass and businesses that inspire us. Katy’s a pretty special place and we feel lucky we get to raise a family here. The moms we’ve met over the last few years in Katy have been instrumental in our lives and we’ve built friendships that will last a lifetime- not only for us moms, but for our kiddos.
We like to think the best way to do this whole mom thing is with each other- a community of strong, kind, supportive mamas. Again, they say it takes a village and we couldn’t agree more. Our best advice for any mother is to find your people. And if you don’t have your people yet, let us be your people. We would love to be your village!



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