Meet A Mom, Featuring Dr. Bethany Peterson, well-loved & respected OBGYN in Katy
One mention of Dr. Bethany Peterson and it’s easy to see she’s got a giant fan club in Katy. She’s a well-loved and well-respected OBGYN and cares for her mama patients in a way that makes them feel like one of her friends.
Funny story, when we were new to Katy and pregnant with our boys, Dr. Peterson was one of the first we tried to get into. Before our platform existed we asked mama friends we knew who the best in town was and Dr. Peterson’s name was always mentioned. We ended up in the able loving hands over some other Katy OB’s, but through Katy Moms Network and our advocacy for better postpartum care for women, we’ve finally connected in a meaningful way.
Bethany has been so encouraging of our platform, always lifting us up and saying the most supportive words. She tunes in to our Wednesday night Lives from the golf cart and cheers loudly when we demand more for mothers in the country. She knows the importance of community in motherhood and finding your mom tribe.
We are so very excited to feature this bright light of a woman today who is so passionate about the work she does. She brings life into this world, while also making the mama feel like a priority. Read our full interview with mama of three and doctor and friend to many, Dr. Bethany Peterson below!
Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in Katy?
I was born in Provo, Utah, but have lived in Katy since I was 4.
You’ve got three daughters, what’s the your favorite thing about being a girl mom?
My favorite thing about being a girl mom is being able to relate to them, remembering how I felt when I was young.
What’s your greatest joy about being a mom?
The greatest gift of being a mom is the JOY – the unconditional love.
Least favorite Mom job? (i.e. making lunches, bath, bedtime)
BEDTIME. The Bane of My Existence. It’s still painful and they’re 9,10, and 13!
What’s one thing people may be surprised to know about you?
People may be surprised to know I studied the birth traditions of the Ova Himba tribe in Namibia while living with them for a month right after college. Also, I can name every My Little Pony in the current series. I have a PhD in MLP. Pinkie Pie is my spirit animal.
Favorite local activities and favorite local restaurant?
We love bike riding and parks – any local park but we love Exploration Park a lot. We can walk to Black Walnut from our house and our kids love it – we love anywhere we can walk to!
Favorite local thing to do to pamper yourself?
My favorite “treat” is a pedicure. Last one was so long ago my nails are digging into my toes and I need to fix that before the half marathon this weekend!
Funniest short cut in parenting?
My girls wear tomorrow’s clothes to bed so I don’t have to spend time arguing about getting dressed.
Best mom hack that makes your life easier?
I guess my mom hack is picking my battles – Wear whatever you want to school – as long as you’re dressed.
You are a well-respected and super loved OBGYN in Katy. Did you always know you wanted to be a doctor and when was your A-HA moment that delivering babies was it for you?
I didn’t always know I wanted to be a doctor – in high school I thought I wanted to be a teacher but then realized only people with patience should be teachers.
I knew I wanted to do OB/GYN when I was in medical school and doing my rotation in El Paso and got to deliver a baby by myself because they were so stinking busy!
Where did you start your path as an OB and where is your practice now?
I went to medical school at Texas Tech, residency at Memorial Hermann in the medical center, and have been in private practice in Katy since 2008. I work at Medical Colleagues of Texas on Kingsland.
What’s your favorite part about working with moms and bringing life into this world?
The greatest gift of my job is the relationships with my patients, and being able to be there for the most intimate and important events of their lives. My favorite part of working with moms everyday is really the time spent talking about shared experiences, relating to them.
You’re on our ‘women deserve better postpartum care in this country’ bandwagon. Where do you think the disconnect happened and how can we move towards change?
Oooh, the postpartum issue – I think it is a combination of so many things and I could probably write a dissertation! I believe it’s a combination of previous generations not discussing issues as much, a mostly male dominated (now totally changing) field, financial (who wants to pay moms for maternity leave for 6 months when some guy who has never pushed a baby out says it’s ok to go back to work at 6 weeks – who the CRAP decided that???) I’m just excited to be part of the change – I have written MANY letters to companies demanding moms get more leave than the 6-8 weeks, and daring them to not grant it and have me come after them. I get a little fired up.
What profession would you choose if you weren’t an OB?
If I weren’t an OB/GYN I’d be home with my girls.
Hardest part about being a working mom and how do you deal with the dreaded mom guilt?
The hardest thing about being a working mom is making sure everyone gets enough time – my kids, my husband, my patients.
MOM GUILT – I tell patients (and myself daily) that guilt is a useless emotion. Give it away – give it to God, Allah, the universe, or take a cue from Elsa and LET IT GO.
Who in your life has influenced you most as a mother?
My mom has been the greatest influence and cheerleader for me as a mom. She’s the BEST.
When parenting gets hard, what’s one thing you tell yourself to get through?
When parenting gets hard – I repeat “I am one with the Force and the Force is with me, I am one with the Force and the Force is with me.” My kids know not to mess with me then. 😉
What do you hope your kids remember most about you as their mama?
I hope my kids remember that I tried. And that I loved them unconditionally.
What would you go back and tell the you before kids?
I would tell the “old” me to TAKE A FREAKING NAP.
What does having a community in motherhood mean to you?
Community is everything. It sustains us, it is in our DNA to want to belong, and finding your community increases your physical, mental, emotional health! (if it doesn’t you need to keep looking for the right tribe)