Meet A Mom: Leah K. Egwuatu - Katy Moms
Meet a Mom: Le from Fit Foodie Le


Happy Meet A Mom Monday, mamas of Katy! Today we’re thrilled to introduce you to Leah K. Egwuatu, fit, healthy mama blogger who has a passion for helping people live their best life! Known by everyone as just Le, she’s an inspiration to everyone who has followed her wellness journey since 2012. On her platform, Fit Foodie Le, she shares real life mom moments, healthy recipes the whole fam will love, and fitness tips for anyone at any stage in their fitness journey. Read below for our full interview with this beautiful, inspirational mama! 



Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in Katy?

I am from the north side of Houston, specifically Acres Homes. My parents are still there and don’t plan to ever move because they love it there. I got married in 2007 and officially moved out to the west side of town!

How many kiddos do you have and how old are they?

I have 3 crumb snatchers! 7, 4, and our Thanksgiving Day baby girl just turned 2 this past November.

Biggest blessing about being a mom?

They make me better in every aspect.  We are all growing at the same time. so many things in this life I look at with fresh eyes and a different perspective because of them.  I also cry a lot more. lol. I realized early on that they learn from me by just watching what I do, how I react, and how I interact with others.  This encourages  me to be the best example I can so that they grow up to be happy, loving, compassionate, confident, God-fearing individuals.

Least favorite mom job?

omg. dishes. I have hated washing dishes since I was a little girl and not doing them was what I got in trouble for most!  Because I’m a food blogger and cook often, I only add to the madness.

One thing people would be surprised to know about you…

I don’t think it’s a secret anymore lol!  I would love two more kiddos.

Favorite local thing to do with the kids for fun in Katy?

Our kids love Altitude! They also love to be outdoors in general, so we visit La Centerra often so they can run around on the Green.

Favorite family restaurant in the area?

Hubs and I love Perry’s for special occasions, Sushi Hana for date night, and Luby’s for Sunday family dinner! We have heard so many great things about Whiskey Cake and cannot wait to try it soon.

What is your go-to activity for yourself for pampering or fun?

Besides gym time, I love full body massages and don’t get them often enough.

Funniest shortcut routine for helping you through parenthood?

Laugh. A lot. My husband and I go on dates and end up having the biggest belly laughs about the kids. We imitate them and everything lol

Best mom hack that makes life easier?

My morning quiet time. Getting my heart and mind ready for the day puts me in a great place.

Tell us about your blog— when did you start it, what was the inspiration behind it, and what’s your main goal with your platform right now?

I started my blog in 2012, a few months before my last IT contract expired.  My blog was a place I shared about my own health and fitness journey, answered questions, shared recipes, workouts, and encouragement. I joined Instagram around the same time and eventually mirrored that account with my blog. Add 3 kids to the mix and I also share plenty of real life mom moments!

What did you do before becoming a blogger?

I went to school for computer engineering and worked in the field for a few years after graduation.

Best advice for a mama wanting to start her own community, but scared and thinking of all the what ifs?

You will be in the same spot year, after year, after year, if you don’t take that leap of faith and put yourself out there. Talk to your audience. Don’t just focus on numbers (likes). Truly talk to your supporters and answer their questions. Respond to their comments. Interact with the people who invest in you. most times when I am 100% honest and open about something going on in my life (usually via IG stories), the feedback is insane. so many more moms and women in general open up and relate. I do go to God about what I should share and what I should keep private. Not everything He has for me if share worthy. Be authentic, find your niche and rock it OUT. doesn’t matter what the people in your niche are doing. they can’t do it like you! you are here for a reason and other people are depending on your obedience. Whoa I really took it to church there for a second, haha

How have you seen your platform and audience evolve over time and what’s your favorite thing about connecting with others through fitness, food, and mom life?

I have tried to stay true to posting about fitness, family, and food over the years honestly. Every time we look up IG has a new algorithm *eye roll* so I chose to focus on the quality of my content, not so much the quantity in order to “keep up”. I feel I relate to moms who desire to live healthy lifestyles for themselves and their families.

Best advice for moms who experience the inevitable and dreaded MOM GUILT?

It can be a never-ending battle that I’ve struggled with.  I totally believe that feeling guilty is a sign that you truly care and want to do what’s best for your kids. It’s a valid emotion. We’ve got to remember that parenting isn’t a competitive sport though! I’m learning to focus more on my kid’s wellbeing rather than compare us with other families; such a waste of time.  The only way to win mommy wars? Don’t play.

Who has most influenced you to be the mom you are today?

*said loudly and proudly* MY MOM! She was a stay-at-home mom to my brother and I for years, but you never really understand the sacrifices your parents made until you are older (and especially when you have a family of your own.)  she went back to school and finished her up bachelor’s degree in education in 2010 and is now the best Pre-K teacher ever.

When parenting gets hard, what’s something you tell yourself that gets you through?

I’m going to get through this with Him and His grace is sufficient. It’s a temporary season. I tell myself that often during pregnancy as well. things won’t always be this way. they will grow. find joy in the now.

Name one thing you hope your kids look back and remember about their childhood and you as

Their mama? I ate GOOD, lol! And that mama did her best to sprinkle Jesus in everything.

What would you tell the old “You” before you had kids? 

Stop worrying about your body so much. your whole life if not based on your physical appearance, your weight, or your body fat. Your obsession with exercise is taking you further and further away from your purpose. stop running away from God and wasting so much time. He has a great plan for you if you would just slow down and be still.  those kids you prayed so hard for need you right, right now. 

What does having a mom tribe mean to you?

It means we are literally all in this together. I will never have all the answers. I still get stumped when situations with my kids come up! I don’t think that will ever change. It’s nice to know that other moms have these same thoughts, questions, and worries… and hearing their perspectives sometimes helps me through tough parenting situations.


Le has a monthly recipe subscription for healthy, fit, dairy-free dishes for the entire family:

For all the places to keep up with this awesome mama, we’ve hyperlinked it all below!

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