Meet Meagen Post of Toast to Post blog
Our first Meet a Mom feature of 2020 is Meagen Post, a working mama and blogger with TWINS! Meagen started her blog as a creative outlet and quickly realized the blogger space needed her content- content for moms going back to work, how to deal, and how to dress! She shares the cutest outfit inspo for work or fun and her feed is just full of light and positivity.
We got to meet this sweet mama at our first Mom’s Night Out event last year and she continues to show up and support us whether at our events or following along with our content. We couldn’t think of a better mama to start this bright year off with and we’re thrilled to introduce her to all of you today!
Check out out full interview with Meagen below!
Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in Katy?
I am originally from El Campo, TX. I’ve lived in the Katy area since 2015, but just recently moved to an actual Katy zip code in November.
You’re a mama of twins! How old are they and what’s the hardest part of two at once!?
At 17 months, they are mobile, FAST, and very curious. Oh, and they can reach on top of countertops and tables. I think the hardest part is that when I’m tending to one, that means the other one has the opportunity of a lifetime to get into the china cabinet, or Christmas tree, or dog food.
What’s your favorite thing about raising a family in the community of Katy?
Katy is a nice combination of city life and rural life. Growing up in a small town, I’m so used to everything being close. I get that same feeling in Katy, but also have all the amenities a city would offer – such as great hospitals, shopping, and restaurants.
Greatest gift about twins?
Double the love! I sometimes quietly sit back and watch them when they are giggling and playing together and think to myself, “How lucky to always have a bestie, a friend, a partner.”
Least favorite mom job? (i.e. packing lunches, dishes, bath time, etc.)
Let’s see…..I could get really gross with this (sucking snot out of noses, cleaning drainage out of ears) or go with changing diapers. They are strong and don’t like to sit still, and sometimes after changing two poopy diapers, I’m exhausted and feel like I’ve just worked out. The actual diaper doesn’t bother me, but the physical effort required to do it just wears me out
One thing people would be surprised to know about you…
Growing up, I was a tomboy. I wore a ponytail to school every day and didn’t wear make up until high school.
Best mom hack that makes your life easier?
HEB curbside 100% – I’ve taken both of the twins to go grocery shopping twice, I think. I’ve taken them separately a few times, but to take both now would be quite entertaining. Also, it is more efficient and saves time.
Tell us about your platform, when you started, and your inspo for leaping into the blogging world?
I started Toast to Post in July 2017. I literally had no clue as to what I was doing and was so extremely embarrassed to take pictures for the blog. I loved reading other blogs and thought it could be some sort of a creative outlet/hobby. I had no direction or purpose other than to just write about whatever was happening in my life. I was off and on for a year and a half before I finally committed to it publishing consistently and keeping up with my Instagram account.
It wasn’t until I was returning to work after having the twins that I started to notice the lack of mom bloggers in the corporate world. I decided I wanted to showcase being a full-time working mom, returning to work, the outfits I wore, and all the ins and outs along the way. My vision for Toast to Post is for it to be a platform that offers fashion and décor inspiration, learned life lessons (hello motherhood), and motivates readers to explore their passions. What I write about comes from the heart, and my hope is that it will benefit readers, too.
You work full time as well- tell us what you do outside of being a mama, working, and your blog?
SLEEP! Haha – honestly, work, momlife, and blogging take up so much of my time. I like to read and journal, run, cook, go to church, and watch Netflix/Amazon Prime. I’m hoping I’ll get back into traveling as the year progresses and plan on doing a bit more cooking. A lot has changed since the twins were born, and I’m finally in a place where I’m figuring out work/life/mom balance.
How important has it been for you to have a passion outside of being a mom?
It is extremely important. I am a firm believer that you can only be the best version of yourself when you are properly taking care of yourself, and whether that means having a hobby or getting a massage or working out or going out to dinner with friends, you have to be at peace with yourself and happy, especially with kids – because they seem to sense and know everything.
Best advice for moms who experience the inevitable and dreaded MOM GUILT?
I think you have to understand why you are feeling the mom guilt. Are you doubting yourself and the decision you are making? Is it because of the time away from your little one due to returning to work? In any case, I think understanding that mom guilt is real, and most moms experience it at some point is a start. Don’t compare yourself to others, especially bloggers, because 9 times out of 10, they are showing the highlight reel (guilty as well!) The first time I mentioned something about a blogger to my doctor when I was pregnant, he laughed and told me, “Don’t get caught up in that…..” I took that to heart, and I think as long as you know you are doing the very best you can and your children are happy, then all is well. Your child won’t know what kind of bottle you used – but she’ll know if she doesn’t get fed. Your child won’t know that grandma came over because you are completely drained and need a nap and some alone time – she’ll just know grandma is here and wants to play.
Who has most influenced you to be the mom you are today?
My mother – she did (and still does) so much for my two brothers and me. Countless road trips to watch us in sports or school events, making sure church and family were priorities, and waking up extremely early to take care of things such as laundry, making breakfast, and doing her own work before we work up so she could give us that time.
Name one thing you hope your kids look back and remember about their childhood and you as their mama?
I want them to remember being happy. I want them to remember family dinners, the pets we had, and the silly things we do – nicknames, etc.
What would you tell the old “You” before you had kids?
Haha! Good question – Do not, and I repeat do NOT ever say, “When I have kids, I’m never doing this……” and don’t judge screaming kids and parents in church and restaurants.
We are all about community, as are you! What does having a mom tribe mean to you?
It’s incredible. A lot of times new moms feel very alone, and having a mom tribe, with other women who have been in the EXACT spot you are, is very comforting.
Be sure to follow along with Meagen as she continues to produce awesome content in 2020!
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