Meet A Mom: Monty Hudson, The Spring Break Family - Katy Moms
Featuring Monty Hudson, Mama Blogger

Growing up in Houston, Monty Hudson says she didn’t get to travel much. She made a promise to herself that when she had kids of her own, they’d travel and see the world. She and her husband have lived up to that promise and even started a blog to document their adventures, The Spring Break Family. Monty and family have set out to inspire others to travel, no matter how old the kiddos are! From budgeting, lodging tips, and travel hacks, their blog is dedicated to all things family travel. We got to sit down with Monty to talk about all things mom life, her best tips and tricks for traveling with little ones, and favorite things about raising a family in Katy!


Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in Katy?

I grew up in Houston (in the historic Third Ward near Texas Southern University).  We’ve lived in Katy for about 3 years now.

You’re a mama! How many kiddos do you have and how old are they?

I have a 7 year old daughter and a 10 year old bonus baby (step daughter).

What’s your favorite thing about raising a family in the Katy area?

My favorite thing about raising a family here in Katy is the community feel.  I love the pocket parks, the walking trails, the community YMCA, and all the other amenities.

Greatest gift about motherhood and greatest challenge?

My girls look at me with such adoration sometimes that it absolutely melts my heart.  My youngest will even tell me I’m her “BFF forever”.  I never dreamed of being a “girl mom” but seeing them mirror the best parts of me is the greatest joy.

Least favorite mom job? (i.e. packing lunches, dishes, bath time, etc.)

My least favorite mom job is helping the kids with their homework.  I’d rather wash 100 loads of laundry than do homework with my kids.

One thing people would be surprised to know about you…

Both my daughters have the same name.  When I met my husband, we each had a daughter and they were coincidentally named the same.  Spelled differently but pronounced the same.  I really enjoy the strange stares when I introduce them to new people (why, yes, I am the crazy lady that named her daughters the same name) before explaining that one is my step daughter.

Favorite local things to do in Katy/Richmond/Fulshear? (With kiddos or just for mom!)

I love to sneak off to the movies by myself!  Alamo Drafthouse in La Centerra has delicious truffle popcorn that no one else in the family likes.  Also, my husband and oldest daughter are notorious for chatting (loudly) during a movie.  When I go off alone, I get to watch it in (preferred) silence and eat all the delicious popcorn I want!

Best mom hack that makes your life easier?

Let your husband do it!  Delegation is hard for me because, like most moms, I have my own ideas of how things should be done.  My biggest mom hack has been learning when to let my husband help.  He might not do it exactly how I would but he will get it done and that’s what matters.

Tell us about your platform, The Spring Break Family, the inspo behind it, and your purpose!

The Spring Break Family is our platform dedicated to helping everyday working families like ours travel the world with their kids.
Once a year, during spring break, we take our girls on a weeklong trip to a destination that we all select together.  No work, homework, chores, or duties – just uninterrupted quality family time.  It’s our time to bond, navigate new areas together, and just be around each other without the humdrum of our daily lives.

We started The Spring Break Family ( because other families wanted to do the same. It can be hard to find the right time or to budget properly or [insert a million different reasons here] to make that commitment so we recommend setting a small goal of travel one a year. We provide actual budgets from our trips (called Trip Toll Reports), itineraries, travel hacks, and more.  Our goal isn’t to just inspire families to travel but to equip them as well.
For other families looking to travel with their children, you can find the core of our information here:

Biggest tip for parents traveling with children?

Biggest tip for travel with children is to include them in your plans.  Even better if they are old enough to help you do research (YouTube is amazing for those that aren’t quite old enough to dig through the world wide web).  Don’t plan your entire trip around them but try to remember that this is their vacation too.  Don’t over plan, leave free time in your agenda, and say yes to all the treats!

What’s your best advice for blended families?

My best advice for blended families is to find a way to connect.  Your family doesn’t automatically become blended when the two parents say “I do.”  It takes a lot of work, patience, and compromise.  For our family, traveling together has worked wonders for solidifying our bond.  Find what works for you as well.
For my fellow stepmothers, the piece of advice I wish someone had told me: don’t lose yourself trying not to be the evil stepmother.  Be yourself, embrace the uniqueness of being someone’s mother without actually being their mother, and let time work out the rest.  Also, embrace the forgiveness in grace (on all sides) until you figure it all out.


Besides your blog, what are some of your passions outside of motherhood?

I’ve been studying information systems most of my life and I’m really passionate about it!  I’ve studied it all my life and even have a master’s degree in Information Technology.  I’m working on launching a new website called The Techie Lady ( where I can share this passion with others.  I also plan to provide technical support and troubleshooting for women looking to start their own websites.

Do you experience mom guilt? If so, how do you deal?

Absolutely!  I don’t know many moms that don’t.  I always feel like I don’t have enough time to do do/be everything I want to be for my kids.  Our trips help with this a ton.  When we travel together, there are no work e-mails to answer, no phone calls I need to take, and no homework that needs to be done.  It’s just us spending quality time together.

How important is it for you to have a passion outside of being a mother?

The answer to this question changes every day.  There are some days that I feel that anything outside of being a mom is selfish and there are others that I am desperate to be anything in addition to being “Mom”.  However, I do feel calmer and overall better when I work on things for the benefit of myself.

When parenting gets hard, what’s something you tell yourself that gets you through?

I have what I call cheerleading sessions.  I find a quiet corner and I give myself pep talks.  “Montoya, you got this!  Your best is better than you give it credit for.  Tomorrow is a new day! KEEP PUSHING!”  If that doesn’t work, then it means I need a timeout and I try to schedule a momcation. Those are trips that I take without my family where I recharge (

What would you tell the old “You” before you had kids?

Travel the world even if it means you’re doing it solo.  Find love and approval in yourself before seeking others.  Purchase Netflix stock.
For more information on Monty and to follow along with her and her family, visit her website and social media channels!
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