Meet A Mom: Dominique Myrie | Katy Moms

We’re thrilled to introduce you to Dominique Myrie today! She’s a local Katy mama, lifestyle blogger, and health and fitness coach! Most of all she’s an inspiration to so many! This fit mama makes it her goal to live out and promote wellness from the inside out and her story and journey to promoting wellness is one we all can relate to.

Being an active woman and involved in sports most of her life, after the birth of her first child in 2018, she found herself looking in the mirror at a new body, feeling different than she’d ever felt. We all know this postpartum body feeling – how it can leave you wanting more for yourself, for your child, wanting energy again, wanting to feel your best, but not sure where to start. Dominique started small, giving herself grace, one day at a time and started sharing her postpartum fitness and health journey on social media.

She quickly realized how many women, mamas in particular, were looking to her for inspiration and guidance. So she created her platform, Beautifully Individualized, to help women focus on internal and external health while inspiring them to feel strong and empowered in their own skin. The fact that she puts mental health at the forefront for the women she helps, that’s what we need more of!

Dominique believes with passion and consistency, you can accomplish anything. A message moms need to hear! Dominique’s eBook is all about getting fit the right way, putting your mind first. She shares her truth and developed a comprehensive healthy lifestyle guide for literally every woman – for real women. In it you’ll find real workouts with real results and be on your way to becoming the woman you’ve always wanted to be – beautifully individualized.

Check out our full interview with this amazing mama below and an exclusive first look at her new lifestyle website.



Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in Katy?


My name is Dominique Myrie I’m born and raised in Houston, TX. My family and I have been living in the Katy area for the past three years and we could not be happier.


How old are your kiddos?


I’m a first-time mom to a beautiful vibrate little girl who is two years old.



What’s your favorite thing about raising a family in the community of Katy?


I adore that Katy is a family oriented close niched caring community with amazing neighborhoods. Katy is very kid focused and my husband and I love the sense of security here.



Greatest gift in motherhood? And the hardest thing about it?


The greatest gift in motherhood is the indescribable love I have for my daughter and the joy it brings knowing that I am equally loved in return. One of the many challenges of motherhood is the feeling that I have to do it all; in contrast, I’m usually left with an overwhelming feeling of disappointment if I haven’t accomplished what I set out to do.



Least favorite mom job? (i.e. packing lunches, dishes, bath time, etc.)


I would say combing my daughter’s hair has to be my least favorite job. It literally takes 3.5 hours from start to finish.


One thing people would be surprised to know about you.


I’m can be a sensitive person. Although I don’t show it much, I really am. Growing up as the oldest of eight there was no room for me to display sensitivity as I always had to be strong and be an example for my younger siblings. It wasn’t up until I become a mom that I realized the importance of allowing myself to release and create more space for me to be sensitive.

Tell us about your platform, when you started, and your inspo for leaping into the blogging world?


I launched my blog this April, 2020 which featured my personal journey and to share realistic thoughts and opinions that we all often internalize but may not speak to anyone aloud. I enjoy sharing fitness tips, workouts, and fashion coupled with my experience in navigating through motherhood. Being that I was already passionate about these things, I felt it would be easy for me to transition my passion into helping others starting with as little as I could. I strive to inspire others to live their best life beautifully individualized. My purpose is to provide helpful tips, best practices, and knowledgeable advice though my platform in conjunction with encouraging women to believe in themselves and knowing that they can do anything if they just take it one day at a time (my true daily motto).

With that being said, I have developed a sense of community among (these women) online friends and speak to each individual issues that we face and provide support to one another.



We want to know more about Beautifully Individualized!


I’ve always been an active person. I played basketball in high school and was an active track runner. I took my passion for fitness to a new level by adopting a pescatarian lifestyle; and later in 2016 I competed in my first of three fitness competitions. After becoming a mom in April 2018, my body suddenly was not as fit as it used to be. I was VERY hard on myself for not looking like I used to before the baby. It weighed on me mentally. I changed gears, and adopted the “one day at a time” mental attitude, and started working on myself; mentally, spiritually, and physically. I went back to what I knew and implemented meditation, great nutrition, weight lifting, and cardio. 

I knew then that I needed to share with other women all that I knew on focusing on internal and external health while feeling strong and empowered in their own skin. In a nutshell a long story longer lol, I created Beautifully Individualized. I used my athletic background and competition training to help coach women how to start on their own fitness journey.

In addition, I create an eBook guide to help to get women on track & fit the right way by putting your mental state first. Changing our mindset with altering our health habits slowly will help start new habits for healthy living. With consistency and patience, we can accomplish anything we desire one day at a time.



How important has it been for you to have a passion outside of being a mom?


I would say having a passion outside of being a mom is highly important. I love health and fitness; it is a passion of mine that almost slipped away after giving birth to my daughter.  


What did you do before becoming a mother / before jumping into blogging?


I was a nationally qualified bikini fitness competitor planning on competing in two more shows before I found out I was pregnant. Lol


Describe your platform to someone who is new in three words.


Realistic, Friendly, Resourceful


Best advice for MOM GUILT?


Self-care is highly important and needed. And if we are not okay the family won’t be. So give ourselves much grace and count every win big or small they all count. We deserve it!


Who has most influenced you to be the mom you are today?


First I will say my mommy has influenced me the most growing up and now as an adult into motherhood. I’ve seen her be so strong and do all things without complaining or giving up at trying to make a way for her family. But I can’t leave out other moms I have met that are a part of my mommy circle. There are several incredible women who I have met through this social media and we have grown together. They have shared their stories with me who in turn has made an impact on me as a woman, wife, and mother. 


Name one thing you hope your kids look back and remember about their childhood and you as their mama?


I pray my child(ren) look back and remember they had the freedom to do whatever their heart desires, and me as their mother is there biggest fan and cheerleader.


What would you tell the old “You” before you had kids?


LOL, you don’t have to be a type A planner of your life. It will work itself and you will be pleased.


We are all about community, as are you! What does having a mom tribe means to you?


Wow! Having a mom tribe means everything to me. I must be honest; I probably would have fallen apart the 1st few months of being a mom without my momtribe. They are truly a part of my heart. We learn, share, grow, and just understand each other.  It’s like and understood language and bond. 


For more info on Dominique and to follow along on her journey, be sure to visit her website and social media channels!


Website: (My Real Living)!! An Exclusive release with KMN First!!


Social Channels:

MOMLIFE: @mrs.dominique.myrie 

FITMOM: @beautifullyindividualized



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